Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What I Have Learned About Myself As A Filmmaker

I am very thankful for taking FST 201 because it has afforded me an opportunity to get a closer look at the technical aspects of filmmaking and what is to come in the future. Coming into this class, I knew I wanted to eventually become a producer or work on casting, but this class has opened my eyes to another field of study: sound design. I have really enjoyed using the H4N this semester (1. Because it is easy to use and 2. Because it can pick up some really good sound). So, in addition to producing and casting I want to look into sound design as a possible field of study for me in the future. As for my learning about filmmaking in general, I have learned that it is very important to keep in mind of what each department requires for the project while working on the project.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Next Semester

This semester has just gone by so quickly, and it is hard to believe that summer is just around the corner. A couple of weeks ago I signed up for classes that I want to take in the fall; however, I only was able to register for one of the five classes that I wanted to take (FST 330: Producing). Other classes that I signed up for include FST 317 (Writing About Film), FST 385 (Japanese Cinema), FST 363 (Producing UG Film Magazine). The class that I was really looking forward to next semester, before I got waitlisted, was Screenwriting I. I’ve been waitlisted for this class and I will definitely be keeping an eye out for openings until the fall. I also want to try to take some FST classes during the summer if possible. I am disappointed about the registration period not going as smooth as I had expected, but I feel like I got into some good classes and I cannot wait!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Directing for Wild Card Project

So, for the Wild Card Project I have been assigned as the director. I am very excited for this opportunity and I believe we have the ability to make a great film. I am very excited because we found out recently that we will be able to shoot at the type of location that we had initially planned for (a hotel). We will be shooting on Thursday at the Baymont Hotel, and the owner has been gracious enough to let us shoot there for FREE! Last week, for the first rough cut, we recorded the majority of the dialogue and other sound effects. Because letting us shoot in the hotel for free is a huge favor, I know we will need to shoot everything on Thursday and get good coverage. I cannot wait until Thursday because I am excited to start filming at the Baymont Hotel located on South College Road.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sound Editing Experience

This past week Kelley and I have been editing the soundscape for the second part of assignment 3. Our topic is “Thickly keeping out the light.” It is an interesting concept and I think we have done a good job thus far. It has been fun going through each group’s sound libraries and picking out sounds that relate to our concept. There are so many sounds that intrigue me, but unfortunately we cannot use some of them. There were a lot of sounds that really stood out to me. One of these sounds was the sound of a ticking clock. We have inserted this sound into our project and I believe that we have made it work well with our concept. Another sound that stood out to me was the creaking of a chair. So far, after listening to all of the available sound, it has been difficult to stick with the conceptual aspect of the project because there are so many sounds that can be used to create a great sound narrative. I think I will want to go back in my free time and try to create my own sound narrative after the semester concludes.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sound Recording

This past week our group recorded sound for the third assignment. I think our group has recorded some really good sound and I had fun doing so. I really like our sound and cannot wait to edit it for the second part of the project. I did learn a lot from this task. For instance, I learned for the second time how important it really is to check the sound levels and the headphone levels. When I was recording one of my sounds I found that I had recorded it too low so I had to scrap that recording and I ended up recording an even better sound. This project has also encouraged me to become more aware of the sound that surrounds us throughout the day that we typically dismiss. I tried to record some of these sounds like drawers closing, the sounds of doors locking, and the sounds of doors shutting.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Master Shot Editing Experience

So far the editing experience for my project has been interesting. I am really happy with the product so far, and I think we have the tools to make this project a good one. When we were first discussing our project we had come to the conclusion that we were going to make this a black and white film and we have managed to stick with that idea all the way through the post-production process. I have been amazed by some of the effects that Final Cut Pro will lets us do. I do not want to give too much away, but I really like how we were able to manipulate our master shot to mimic a security camera look. I also enjoyed editing the match-on-action shot. For some reason, I just find it fascinating to create that illusion of movement. So far, I am very proud of our product and I cannot wait until we finalize our project.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Previsualization Materials

Arguably one of the most important, crucial parts of filmmaking is the preproduction process. The previsualization materials such as the storyboards, overheads, and budget help tremendously. I will serve as the gaffer for this project, so I believe that the overheads have helped me envision the different ways that I could set up the lights and help me think and decide what would be the best setup for the master shot. I think it will help me tremendously when it comes to production day because it allows me to save time while we set up and I might have some time to play around with the lighting equipment to make sure everything will look okay. There is one concern that I had while creating the overheads for this project. I was concerned about how strong the hanging lamp light will be and how this may affect what kinds of lights should be used in each shot.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Previsualization of the Master Shot

For the master shot project, I have been assigned the gaffer and grip position, so I am in charge of the lighting on this project. So far, our group has come to a conclusion that we will use the provided Bran and Park script as an interrogation sequence. I feel that this could be done very well. I believe that lighting could play a crucial role in the making of this project. We are hoping that our location will have a hanging light, and if this may be the case then I think that this available light source could look very well on screen. Right now I think that the tone of the project is important for figuring out the type of lighting that we want for this project, and I believe that we are going for a more serious with subtle or no humor tone. If this is the case I believe that hard lighting is important to highlight the physical state of the characters, particularly Park.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Reflecting on Vox Pops and Expert Interview

We shot our vox pops two weeks ago I think they turned out great. I believe there were some solid interviewees that could be very useful to the project and they provided some good ideas for B-roll. For our vox pops, we went to downtown Wilmington and asked our questions to people walking down the street. Unfortunately, there were heavy gusts of wind blowing towards us, so that did create an obstacle for our filming, but we found a way to get over it.

Unfortunately our group ran into a little problem with landing our original expert interviewee, but I believe we found someone better. We held our expert interview for this project on this past Friday and we interviewed Ron, who is co-owner of a nice sandwich shop in downtown Wilmington called Wayfarer. I felt like Ron was a really good person to interview because he had a vibrant personality and he showed some great insight into his business and his life.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Due to a problem with reaching our expert interview, we have changed our topic for the 2 minute documentary to discuss people's view of a perfect sandwich, focusing around the question "What is the perfect sandwich?" Listed below are our questions and information for our new topic.

Expert Interviewee: Dee Russell (Subway manager in Wrightsville Beach, NC)
Location of Shoot: Russell's house
Tone: Tongue-in-cheek

Expert Interview Questions:
1) How long have you been creating sandwiches professionally?
2) In your opinion, what constitutes a superior quality sandwich?
3) What steps do you take personally to ensure that the customer gets the best sandwich possible?
4) Have you ever had a happy customer do anything extraordinary because of how you made their sandwich, and explain.
5) Have you ever had an unhappy customer lash out because of their sandwich, and explain.
6) What is the strangest request you've ever had for a sandwich?
7) How specific do some customers get about their orders?
8) How non-specific do some customers get about their orders?
9) How confident do you feel in your sandwich making abilities?
10) What is your perfect sandwich, and why?

Vox Pop Questions:
1) In your opinion, what makes the perfect sandwich?
2) Which component is most important?
3) Describe a sandwich that made you want to die and go to heaven.

Production Schedule:

Monday, February 11th

1:00pm - Pick up equipment at Kenan
1:05pm - Leave for Russell's house
1:30pm - Arrive at Russell's house
1:35pm - Setup lights and camera
1:50pm - Begin interview
2:20pm - Finish interview and pack up equipment
2:45pm - Leave Russell's house and shoot B-roll

This is how we are planning to setup Dee Russell in front of the camera for the expert interview (Our storyboard).

This is how we plan on setting up the lighting equipment (Our overhead).

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Comic Book Documentary

For the documentary interview, our group will be focusing on comic books and comic book films. We have chosen John Hitchcock, an owner of a comic book store in Greensboro, North Carolina, as our expert interviewee. We are also planning on shooting the documentary at his store in Greensboro. With this documentary, we are aiming to set a nostalgic tone. We are planning on recording our vox pop questions in downtown Wilmington.

10 Questions for Expert Interviewee:
            1) What drew you to comics?
            2) What inspired you to develop it into a career rather than a hobby?
            3) In your lifetime, how has the industry changed?
            4) How have the recent comic book films affected the comics?
            5) Where do you see comics in the next 10 years?
            6) Which book inspired you the most?
            7) What comic books do you recommend?
            8) What do you feel is the Golden Age of comics?
            9) Has your passion for comic books ever wavered over the years?
            10) How do you feel you have contributed to the comic book community?

Here is the list of vox pop questions we will be asking people in downtown Wilmington.

            1) Do you read comics?
                        if so, what do you like about them?
                        if not, do you watch any films based off of or influenced by comics?
            2) How did you get into comics?
            3) What has led you to watch the films but not read the source material?
            4) How have the films and TV shows affected your attitude towards reading
                        the source material or comics.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Light Observation: Part 2

Two nights ago I observed another instance in which lighting created this aesthetically pleasing scene. My roommates and I were in our apartment watching TV (half of us on either side of the room and the TV in the center of the room. The power went out and a few seconds later the power came back on; however, half of the light bulbs in the ceiling light remained powerless, creating this surprisingly stark contrast between the two sides of the room. What I found interesting was the effect that the lighting had on the TV screen. Half of the blank TV screen was dark and the other half of the TV screen displayed the reflections of us.